On Nansen Dialogue Centre Sarajevo

The association “Nansen Dialogue Centre” (NDC) from Sarajevo is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation conducting research and operating in the domain of peace-building in BiH and beyond, by focusing on the dynamics and improvement of interethnic and other social relations, as well as on the development of democratic practices, especially at the level of local communities.

NDC Sarajevo was founded on 1st September 2000 as a part of the development of the Nansen Dialogue Network in the Western Balkans, in cooperation with the Nansen Academy – Norwegian Humanistic Academy in Lillehammer and The Peace Research Institute Oslo – PRIO, supported by the Kingdom of Norway’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Within our scope of work, we developed a specific methodology called the Nansen Dialogue Approach (NDA). It is a holistic and multilateral method, which is applied through three principal fields of activity: education – work with secondary and elementary schools, local authorities – work with municipal administration and politicians, and social research.

The values NDC Sarajevo stands for

Mutual respect among all actors involved in the process



Integrity of action

Acting from a position of knowledge and expertise

NDC Team

Donors: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in BiH, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway, Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in BiH, USAID, the EU, OPA – U.S. Embassy in BiH, Centres of Civil Initiatives (CCI), Balkan Trust for Democracy, Embassy of Switzerland in BiH, Open Society Foundation Bosnia and Herzegovina, British Embassy in BiH, Pro Helvetia – Swiss Arts Council, Schüler Helfen Leben BiH, Mennonite Central Committee in BiH, Municipality of Lillehammer, USIP – United States Institute of Peace, Municipality of Srebrenica, Municipality of Bratunac, Municipality of Jajce, Municipality of Jezero.