The World Health Organization declared October 10 as the World Mental Health Day. On this occasion, on October 10, 2024, the students and teachers of the “NORDBAT-2” school in Vareš organized and implemented a workshop to mark this day. The goal of marking this date is to raise awareness of mental health problems, both in the world and in our country.
Research shows that an increasing number of people have some problems of a mental nature, whether they are traumas, problems at work or at home, stress in performing daily tasks or something similar. Also, the number of young people, as well as students, who encounter the same symptoms is increasing. This workshop showed how important it is to teach students to recognize if they have a problem, what are the risk factors that can cause an unwanted condition, how to preserve mental health and how to help themselves or seek professional help. Students and teachers responded positively to the workshop and the way to draw attention to the need to mark this date, as important for preserving the mental health of students and teachers, and that there is no shame in asking for help if they feel some discomfort. Fifty students participated in this workshop, and the local coordinator was teacher Majida Memišević.
This activity was implemented within the project “Reconciliation Through Dialogue and Joint Activities in the Local Communities in BiH”, which is financially supported by the German Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.