In the period 21-23 July 2023 NDC Sarajevo organized the event titled “Summer School Jajce 2023” for a group of twenty-nine students coming from elementary and secondary schools in Jajce, Mrkonjić Grad, Vareš, and Jezero.
This “Summer School” took place in the Mountain Lodge “Čusine” in the vicinity of Jajce. During these three days, which we spent together, we organized recreational and educational activities, and paid visits to historic sites and natural attractions of Jajce. Also, our participants had an opportunity to get to know each other better and to plan joint activities that we are going to organize together in the future.
The principal goal of this project activity was to establish an interethnic dialogue and to strengthen cooperation between elementary and secondary schools from Vareš, Jajce, Mrkonjić Grad, and Jezero.
This activity was implemented within the project “Reconciliation Through Dialogue and Joint Activities in the Local Communities in BiH” that is financially supported by the German Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.